A quality home is the foundation
of society & community

A quality home is the foundation of society & community

Did You Know that RHA Residents Earn an Estimated $4.9 Million Annually

Did you know that RHA residents earn an estimated $4.9 Million annually? How would you know unless we told you. Well it is true, those who live in housing aren’t sitting around twiddling their thumbs, being lazy, and waiting for the next hand out as some may assume. Believe it or not RHA residents are going to work and they are spending their hard earned income, contributing to the economic strengthening of our community.

$4.9 million is no small chunk of change. In some circles, in some pockets of society $4.9 million may not seem like a whole lot. However, if you take away those earnings there’s a great chance that the local economy will feel it and a $4.9 million hit in any economy, in any community, amongst any population of people, is a hard hit. As a result, we have a special type of gratitude for the residents of RHA who are aiding our local economy and preventing us from feeling that $4.9 million hit.

Deryk Hayes, Community Development Manager

#IamRockford #makingadifference #TransformRockford

#IAmRockford is a story about our community, your community and it always will be. There are community members, unknown to many, rising above and beyond their regular lives and these stories need to be heard.

What makes your #IAmRockford? Send us an email at info@rockfordha.org to share your story.

By submitting your I Am Rockford story, it will become the property of RHA and may be used for future related marketing opportunities. RHA reserves the right to share any or all stories. By submitting you agree to these terms.