A quality home is the foundation of society & community

Welcome to the RHA

The Rockford Housing Authority Network is Devoted to the RHA Resident & Community Viewers

In keeping with the RHA mission and vision, this website page is committed to the unique perspective and the understanding of affordable housing. The content delivers to our viewer’s current information about personal growth, social consciousness, and healthier living.

The focus of RHA programming is assisting and providing empowering insights. RHA residents often face complex challenges. The program provided here takes a multipronged approach to help our viewers. The content includes attention to diverse voices that speak to culture and the community.

On an ongoing basis, the RHA DIGITAL TELEVISION CHANNEL also provides our viewers RHA updates, local community news, and news worldwide. It is our goal of the Channel to supply topics of community benefit that is otherwise not often provided by other sources readily available. The Channel distributes video playbacks of Public Service Announcements, community partner’s public news, and HUD programs for awareness and greater understanding.

Lifeforce Development Institue Fall 2023 Graduation!

The Rockford Housing Authority is thrilled and pleased to announce that all Lifeforce Development Institute (LDI) 2022 students have successfully completed the 12-week/ 108-hour program!


The LDI Graduation will be held at the Nordlof Center, at 2:00 PM, located at 118 N. Main St. in downtown Rockford, on October 27th, 2023.

RHA's Moving to Work Designation!

Discover how this innovative federal initiative will enhance housing choices, promote self-sufficiency, improve lives in our community and, learn about the flexible solutions it brings to address local housing needs. Together, we can create a brighter future for our community! 

A Milestone for The Rockford Housing Authority and the Rockford Community has been achieved. “The RHA leadership Team is so pleased for the approval from HUD, that RHA has been designated as a Move to Work Agency. This important program designation will serve the residents and the community in a new way. With this new MTW business model we are able to provide incentives for our landlords to encourage them to participate in the HCV program thereby giving our resident’s greater access to areas of higher opportunities,” states Laura Snyder, RHA CEO.

RHA is committed to actively exploring and aggressively seizing opportunities that move the agency forward in the fulfillment of its mission and strategic goals in ways that are reflective of local housing needs, while implementing activities designed to meet one or more of the MTW statutory objectives.

The MTW designation, creates and accesses opportunities that continue to be key in meeting these milestones, whether it be implementing increased program efficiencies, leveraging resources to preserve/increase affordable housing or encouraging the improved well-being of the individuals and families that we serve.

RHA’s MTW Mission and Vision

The Rockford Housing Authority (RHA) was established in 1951 to provide safe, decent, and affordable housing to low and moderate-income individuals and families. While partnering with community agencies to promote increased self-sufficiency and a higher quality of life for its residents. Today, RHA manages 1284 public housing units and 1716 housing choice vouchers (HCV), serving nearly 10,000 residents in total.

RHA’s long-term vision for its participation in the MTW demonstration program integrates this local mission with the federal statutory objectives of the MTW program. The result is a carefully crafted list of local goals, which tailor the federal objectives to the specific needs of the Rockford community. 

  1. Increase the number and quality of affordable housing choices throughout the Rockford community.
  2. Increase the number of families moving toward self-sufficiency.
  3. Increase and strengthen the number of community partnerships benefitting residents
  4. Reduce the Agency’s administrative costs while limiting the administrative burdens placed on staff and residents.

“We are excited to see the future of RHA and the Rockford community through the MTW program. We cannot wait to start implementing the local goals that we have set in order to help residents and the community.” Laura Snyder, RHA CEO.