A quality home is the foundation
of society & community

A quality home is the foundation of society & community

Blog 6: Vanquishing Fear through a Holistic Plan

As you may be aware, as in many communities, there is a level of fear within the community of Rockford. This “state of mind” has stemmed from a feeling of mistrust, some misinformation and certain communication that must be overcome in order to move forward with revitalizing and transforming our community.

“Fears are nothing more than a state of mind”

—Napolean Hill

Each point of fear has a reasonable explanation as to why this emotion is unnecessary. For example, there is a heightened level of misperception about how the Rockford Housing Authority lacks a holistic plan to renew and redevelop over 1,100 units within their portfolio. RHA’s goal is to deliver high quality, equitable access to affordable housing for all people in our community.

One must recall that FEAR is simply an acronym meaning “False Expectations Appearing Real.” As the City of Rockford is undergoing an enormous revitalization, it is understood that a community will fear the future of the place they call home. Change can bring on fear because it is different than what is normal. As humans, many of us are prone to habit and any change to this habitual nature can bring on fear of the unordinary.

To illustrate this everyone has some degree of “flying fear.” The best way to conquer the fear of turbulence is to conquer the fear of flying in general. This “state of mind” becomes more evident as takeoff approaches. The wide-eyes, clenched fists, profuse sweating, and rocking motions are among its symptoms. Who wouldn’t be scared?  The level of anxiety differs from one person to another. Research studies confirm that in reality air travel is the second-safest mode of mass transportation in the world. The safest mode of transportation is the escalator.  As with the Fear of Flying, beliefs form attitudes which are indeed hard to change. As humans, this “state of mind”, our belief that we want nothing to change, is part of our social norms. The reality is that the only thing we can count on is change itself.

Change is necessary to improve what some might view in social media posts, as an inhospitable community to live in. While it is easy to give the word “change” a negative connotation, improving a community for the better absolutely requires change and of course change is sometimes uncomfortable. If we continue to live in our fear, we will be immobilized in moving toward success for our community. This fear will paralyze and destroy our ability to rationalize any information provided. At the same time we stop hearing and listening because of the attitudes one forms born out of fear.

RHA plans to complete each step by keeping the community of Rockford as its strongest partner. To successfully reach the goal of an improved community, both groups will have to not only work together, but ultimately trust each other as well. With each step that is collaboratively completed, fear will diminish as the light to a better future is within plain sight.