A quality home is the foundation
of society & community

A quality home is the foundation of society & community

Rockford Housing Authority Third Annual Community Celebration Thank You

“There are days in our careers when we feel the weight of our work and then there are days when, in spite of the weight amazing things happen! Days where love, appreciation and humanity come together and you realize those troubling days are worth the price.

Last Thursday night at our 3rd Annual Community Celebration was one of those days where love rose to the top, appreciation ran deep and humanity—stood firmly front and center.

In addition, we released this music video to a crowd of caring and loving people. This video, made by a group of more caring and loving people gives me strong hope for our future.

Click Here to see More IamRockford Videos!

This music video started as a simple saying – I am Rockford. This grew into a poem, written by a man, Carandus Brown, with a huge heart. A man I am honored to call friend. That poem became this song. It all happened because love and appreciation met talent and compassion. Thank you everyone who made this possible.”

Ron Clewer
CEO, Rockford Housing Authority