A quality home is the foundation
of society & community

A quality home is the foundation of society & community

Commitments Award Recognizes Bridge Rockford Alliance for Engaging All Voices

October 19, 2016 Commitments Award Recognizes Bridge Rockford Alliance for Engaging All Voicesbra-logo-10-06-2016 Bridge Rockford Alliance  of Rockford, Illinois, to receive the 2016 Alliance Commitments Award for Engaging All Voices at the 2016 Alliance National Conference in LA. Bridge Rockford Alliance (BRAI) is a nonprofit subsidiary of the Rockford Housing Authority. BRAI organizes the desires, passions, and strengths of neighbors to improve housing and revitalize the community. Working in partnership with the community, the Bridge Rockford Alliance’s efforts are directed by exchanges from meetings with and surveys of residents and neighbors, appreciative inquiry, and an asset-based development model. Working to directly involve individuals in the planning and decision making that affects their lives is exemplary of Engaging All Voices, one of the Alliance’s Commitments of High-Impact Nonprofit Organizations. The award is part of the 2016 Alliance National Conference program currently underway. This is the third year that the annual Alliance Commitments Awards have been given and the first for Bridge Rockford Alliance. img_9878-1 img_9870-1 img_9876-1             “What a humbling honor to have our organization chosen and recognized for our work!”  Stated Ron Clewer, CEO of Bridge Rockford Alliance “The specific commitments we are being recognized for are: “Leading with Vision, Advancing Equity and Engaging all Voices.”   The Alliance introductory video depicting Bridge Rockford and our community commitment can be viewed at: engaging-all-voices-200x200https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0r-GpE8OcG0 “It is an honor for the Alliance for Strong Families and Communities to pay tribute to Bridge Rockford Alliance with the Alliance Commitments Award,” said Susan Dreyfus, president and CEO of the Alliance. “Bridge Rockford Alliance daily demonstrates its innovative spirit and dedication to living its mission for the betterment of its community.” Learn more about the Alliance’s Commitments of High-Impact Nonprofit Organizations online. For more information, contact Ron Clewer rclewer@rockfordha.org or 815-299-8019.]]>