A quality home is the foundation
of society & community

A quality home is the foundation of society & community

EDEEN Beautification Project

Monday, November 3, 2014

RHA through its not-for-profit agency Bridge Rockford Alliance is both proud and thankful to have served as the fiscal agent in the EDEEN Beautification project. The best work done in our community is when volunteers come together with one thing in mind; making Rockford a better place to live! That goal was accomplished in this project! Thanks and congratulations to all of the EDEEN partners for the commitment to our City and to each other! Many thanks to the Community Foundation for their support! This project is in keeping with our RHA Mission: RHA partners with the community and responsible residents to transform houses into homes while guiding families to self-sufficiency. Check out the video of this project: EDEEN BEAUTIFICATION VIDEO  ]]>