A quality home is the foundation
of society & community

A quality home is the foundation of society & community

Juliette “Daisy” Low

Juliette “Daisy” Low designed an organization for young girls to grow and develop their leadership skills, known as Girl Scouts of the USA. She gathered 18 girls from her hometown in Savannah Georgia with plans for a new outdoors learning club for girls, established in 1912 and grew that dream into a reality. She was determined and passionate about the Girl Scouts her whole life and is

now known for the most successful organization for girls in the world.

Juliette was born on October 31st, 1806. Juliette’s uncle called the baby “a Daisy” and the nickname stuck for the rest of her life. Daisy was the second child of six of Eleanor Kinzie Gordon and William Washington Gordon, she was raised in a family that believed that the privilege they had was a reason to give back to the country. She grew up at a time when the American Civil war was happening and her father went to fight for the Confederacy and her mother fought for the Union.

Daisy was a curious and adventurous girl and was known for her humor and her caring personality. She was interested in the outdoors and the arts. Daisy’s parents could afford to send her to a school in Virginia and New Jersey. Daisy soon fell in love with a man named William Low, nicknamed “Billow” and they married in 1886 and had homes in England and Georgia. Billow loved living the life of luxury, Daisy spent most of her marriage in England living that lifestyle and after Billows death in 1905 Daisy traveled back to Georgia and she started a search for meaning. In her journey for meaning she traveled to Egypt and India, turning to her art and friends for support.

Daisy returned to England in 1911 and had a meeting with Robert Baden Powell, founder of Boy Scouts that changed everything for young women around the world. Powell wanted Daisy to set up “Girl Guides” in Scotland and London. On March 12th, 1912 Daisy brought back 18 girls from Savannah, making sure that every girl no matter race, disabilities or class, had a place they could go to grow.

Daisy’s decisions were always up to the girls, the girls decided that they would rather be called “Girl Scouts” instead of “Girl Guides” and the name was changed in the United States in 1913. Daisy left a wonderful impression on everyone that she met, she cared for others more than she cared for herself. Daisy led the Girl Scouts with passion and diligence making it always an institute that was “Girl led.”

Daisy passed away on January 17th, 1927 in her hometown of Savannah, Georgia after a private fight with breast cancer. Daisy was later honored, by her friends, with the Juliette Low World Friendship Fund, that helps Girl Scouts all over the world. She is remembered always in the Girl Scout community and her values are still taught to the Girl Scouts. Daisy’s name is now recognized by many people with schools, and camps sharing the same name. Articles and scholarships are honored in her name as her legacy continues.


