A quality home is the foundation
of society & community

A quality home is the foundation of society & community

Lead Based Paint Senate Bill 2631 – More harm than good? A must read…

In February of 2000, the President‘s Task Force on Environmental Health Risks and Safety Risks to Children, issued a federal strategy to eliminate childhood lead poisoning by targeting lead based paint hazards. Sixteen years later we are still working at this important effort.

Did lead make you dumber graph. Blood lead level in children under age 6 compared to IQ points decrease.
Figure 1 – Rick Nevin, Center for Disease Control

When the Northern Illinois HA delegation visited, Senator Durbin’s office during the April NAHRO Legislative conference, an aid shared with us that the Senator’s bill was not being supported by HUD.

It was allegedly feared that by eliminating the visual inspection for lead-based paint, this may affect the supply of affordable rental housing, particularly HCV supported housing. Much of this housing stock is pre-1978 and of the “lead era.”

While I appreciate the strong concern over available affordable rental stock, if as a houser we are supposed to provide safe, sanitary and affordable housing, isn’t it incumbent upon us to make sure that housing is really safe and sanitary?

Shouldn’t we consider the effects of lead on children? What is the cost of a child’s life?

It is my position to support Senator Durbin and the advancement of S2631. It is also my position to advocate harder for rental stock that is not only affordable, but also safe and sanitary. As a member of NAHRO, I cannot help but think of our What Home Means to Me poster campaign… I don’t believe I have yet seen a poster that said home means danger, or a source of poison. Let’s keep it that way.

If you support S2631 please contact your legislator(s). There are multiple solutions that will allow us to continue our work of housing those in need and ensuring a lead safe home in the process.