A quality home is the foundation
of society & community

A quality home is the foundation of society & community


Lori Anderson is a LID graduate, she reflects on what she learned through the program like, communication, professionalism, how to interview, write resumes, and things that make you want to be a desirable employee. Lori said it was very encouraging for her “instead of being on the defense all the time, realizing that you’re someone that can be an asset to a company.”

Damita Tayor-Dryden is an LDI graduate what she learned through the program was teamwork, finding out your personal goals, and finding out what you want to do in your life. Damita says, “if you don’t have a job and are very insistent on wanting a job, this program could help tremendously. They have the resources and go out of their way to make sure that you get on the right track.”

If you are interested and want to Launch Your Future today or to learn more about the LIFEFORCE DEVELOPMENT INSTITUTE, please connect here:https://launchmyfuture.com/registration/