A quality home is the foundation
of society & community

A quality home is the foundation of society & community

National Homeownership Month 2024

June is National Homeownership Month, a time to celebrate the dream of owning a home and to recognize the importance of homeownership. At RHA, we believe that homeownership is not just about having a place to live; it’s about creating a foundation for self-sufficiency, responsibility, and individual empowerment.

Homeownership brings a multitude of benefits. It offers stability for families, the ability to build equity, and a sense of pride and accomplishment. However, achieving homeownership can be challenging, especially for those who face financial or social barriers. That’s why RHA is committed to providing pathways for people to enhance their quality of life through inclusive, affordable, and innovative housing initiatives. We work tirelessly to make homeownership accessible to more people by offering resources, education, and support services that help potential homeowners navigate the complexities of buying and maintaining a home.

The RHA FSS Homeownership Programs offer a valuable opportunity for families entering the housing market or seeking employment and education to enhance their living conditions.

One of the benefits of the FSS program includes an escrow (savings) account. When a family’s rent rises because of higher earned income (30% of adjusted gross income), the extra rent amount is saved in an escrow account, which can be accessed once their objectives are achieved.

The Family Self-Sufficiency Program (FSS) allows individuals to save substantial sums of money potentially providing them with a down payment for their own home. Currently, we have 92 homeowners who have benefitted from this program.

The FSS program is truly remarkable, impacting those who successfully achieve their goals. Participants have attained their GED or pursued higher education, with a focus on employment and training. As goals are accomplished, the aspiration to transition from housing becomes apparent. Notably, three families have launched their businesses, while some have supported their children in college or returned to school themselves.

During National Homeownership Month, we encourage everyone to reflect on the value of homeownership and to support efforts that make it attainable for all. Whether through volunteering, advocacy, or simply spreading awareness, each of us can play a role in helping others achieve the dream of owning a home. At RHA, we are proud to lead the charge in creating opportunities for homeownership and enriching the lives of those we serve. Together, we can build stronger, more resilient communities where everyone has the chance to thrive.