A quality home is the foundation
of society & community

A quality home is the foundation of society & community

Rockford agencies team up to make Fairgrounds better place to live

ROCKFORD (WREX) -Several Rockford organizations believe they are making a difference when it comes to the quality of life in the Fairgrounds Valley Housing Complex. Organizations like the Rockford Housing Authority, Rockford Public Library, and others are joining forces for the Fairgrounds Outreach Program. Members want Fairgrounds residents to be able to have access to opportunities they may not otherwise get. “One of our main goals is turning groups away from drugs, gang bangers, and prostitution, and giving them alternatives to choose from,” Rockford Housing Authority Network President John T. Brantley explained. The program was created through the Choice Neighborhoods Grants. Read the full article here: http://www.wrex.com/story/24448943/2014/01/14/rockford-agencies-team-up-to-make-fairgrounds-better-place-to-live
