A quality home is the foundation
of society & community

A quality home is the foundation of society & community

Thank you! – Jobs Plus Community-Wide Job Fair

The RHA Jobs Plus Community Wide Job Fair was an outstanding success, and we are thrilled to share a recap of the event! With 15 employers in attendance, the event attracted a remarkable turnout of job seekers, showing the community’s eagerness and commitment to enhancing their career goals. This job fair was more than just a networking opportunity—it was a demonstration of our mission of creating strategic partnerships and fostering environments where our residents can achieve self-sufficiency and empowerment.

The diversity of employers represented at the fair highlighted our dedication to offering inclusive and innovative housing initiatives. From healthcare and technology to retail and education, job seekers had the chance to explore a wide array of career paths. Each employer brought unique opportunities, and their presence was helpful in providing our residents with the tools they need for professional growth and personal development. The energy in the room was profound, with numerous attendees engaging in meaningful conversations and submitting applications.

We extend our gratitude to everyone who contributed to the success of the event. Our food vendor, Javi’s Tacos, provided delicious refreshments that kept everyone energized throughout the day. We also want to thank all the attendees for their enthusiasm and dedication to improving their lives. Most importantly, we appreciate the employers who took the time to participate and offer their support to our community. Your commitment to providing opportunities aligns perfectly with RHA’s vision of enhancing quality of life through affordable and inclusive initiatives. Together, we are building a stronger, more empowered community.

View The Photo Gallery Recap!