A quality home is the foundation
of society & community

A quality home is the foundation of society & community

Roots and Wings: #WHAAT Wednesday

Kenneth watches Yatte, the farm manager closely. “I respect his straight-forward management style. He is always using humor, but has still taught me a lot. He has helped me learn to show up and work, to stay committed to a task even if I am tired, and to work thought the heat”. Kenneth’s least favorite part of the farm is the heat. “It’s hard to be out there in the sun all day. It slows me down and my brain doesn’t work as fast. I wear a white t-shirt on my head and drink water. That helps”.

Kenneth plans to pursue a career as a lawyer. “I like to debate and I like the idea of defending people”. He notes, ” I think the things I am learning will help me in my future, even as a lawyer. The farm has taught me to be a overall better person”.

“One time on the farm we were having a market, a food give away, and samples of food from the garden, but no one was going to get samples. I had the idea to make a sign and direct people to the food. Some of the other youth did not support this idea, they even made fun of me, but I felt it would really work; so, I made a sign and it worked! So many people went and tried the samples we made from garden food. It was a huge success. I was happy and proud. I learned to trust my gut, even if other people say different”.