A quality home is the foundation
of society & community

A quality home is the foundation of society & community

Did You Know…RHA Services more than 3400 Children Annually

It would be better for him if a millstone were hung around his neck and he were thrown into the deep water than to cause one of these children to stumble…

Strange as it may be these are not the words of some crime boss or a hardened gangster but a phrase that was coined by a man who is arguably the most passionate person in history. Obviously passionate about people in general yet in addition to that, there was such an amazing passion for children that this extremely passionate and historical figure seems to suggest that if an individual, institution and/or organization puts a child in a situation that is harmful that it would be better that a millstone be hung on their neck and they be tossed into the sea.

Let me clarify this phrase for you, if you so much as hinder a child from achieving greatness, and if you discourage a child in any way, and if you create an atmosphere and/or environment that is not healthy for the growth and development of that child then it is best for that individual, that institution or that organization to have cement shoes placed on their feet and thrown out into the deepest parts of the sea to take a swim with the fish.

At RHA we have the privilege of serving over 3400 children give or take a few. Ultimately we are obligated as an agency in this community to provide a healthy and safe environment for these children and their families to reside in. It is our responsibility and our privilege to provide these young people with healthy activity, influence and programming. We play a role in nurturing these children into being and becoming productive citizens in our society.

We have been commissioned by our leadership and the submission to our core values to be an advocate, encouragement and an instrument of enlightenment to each of those children. These children desire and deserve a great deal of our effort, energy, resources and time and we as an agency want to be intentional and sure that we provide each of those children that we serve with exactly what they need.

In our efforts to best serve these children we have developed partnerships with those agencies who are best equipped to serve this specific population. Our relationships include the Boy and Girls Scouts of Rock River Valley, Rockford’s Boys & Girls Club, YMCA and YWCA, Rockford Park District, Head Start. Lydia Urban Academy, District 205 and many more. Our aim and our intention even in our agency’s partnerships is to make sure that families and children have what is needed to be and do their best.

In closing I’d like to shine a bright light on a group of young ladies of different ages who live in the Fairground’s Valley Townhouse Community. These girls have formed a dance regiment under the direction newly elected resident council president. These girls are good at dancing and they have the potential to be great. These girls are extremely encouraged right now because even though they are new as group they have already been given the opportunity to perform in two parades and once in front of some of our community leaders during the RHA Annual Community Event.

Consider the potential and possibilities concerning these girls; any of them given the right direction, encouragement, environment and structure can one day be students at Julliard, any and all of them have the ability to dance on major ballet platforms, these young ladies have the potential to teach dance and form the next dance regiments… Of course these young ladies are just a fraction of the 3400 children that we have the privilege to serve. And as a team member of RHA I am excited about the possibilities, potential of these children. Because of them our future is bright!

#IAmRockford is a story about our community, your community and it always will be. There are community members, unknown to many, rising above and beyond their regular lives and these stories need to be heard.

What makes your #IAmRockford? Send us an email at info@rockfordha.org to share your story.

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