A quality home is the foundation
of society & community

A quality home is the foundation of society & community

Did You Know that Rockford Housing Authority Residents Pay more than $2.2 Million Annually in Rent

The determination of a family’s income is reviewed before the family is allowed to move into assisted housing and at least annually thereafter. The amount of assistance paid on behalf of the family is calculated using the family’s annual income less allowable deductions. The types and amounts of income and deductions to be included in the calculation of annual and adjusted income is specified in HUD program regulations.

Resident rent is arrived at based on review of these factors: 

  • Determining Annual Income
  • Determining Adjusted Income
  • Verification of Income
  • Calculating Tenant Rent

Resident’s rents are calculated at move in and then annually unless a change of income occurs within the year. The resident is held responsible for reporting all income changes to their property manager at the time of change. Once reported, an interim rent calculation will be completed to determine if the resident’s rent will change.

From fiscal year 2013 to 2014, resident rental income increased 6%. This increase most likely resulted from increased family income which is a positive indicator that the family is moving towards self-sufficiency.

#IAmRockford is a story about our community, your community and it always will be. There are community members, unknown to many, rising above and beyond their regular lives and these stories need to be heard.

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