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A quality home is the foundation of society & community

Gorman, Rockford Housing Authority win $12M in tax credits

Monday, June 22, 2015

By Lindsey Holden and Isaac Guerrero
Rockford Register Star ROCKFORD — A private developer and the Rockford Housing Authority are a step closer to building 65 affordable-housing apartments on the east side.
The Illinois Housing Development Authority awarded about $12 million Friday in low-income housing tax credits to Bridge Rockford Alliance, a nonprofit partnership of the RHA and Gorman & Company. Investors receive income tax breaks when they buy credits, which provides cash for development projects. Housing Authority CEO Ron Clewer said the annual tax credit award of $1.2 million is good for 10 years. Investors will pay 90 cents for every dollar of the tax credits, providing upward of $11.3 million for construction. It’s a large chunk of the money needed to finance the development slated for six acres on South New Towne Drive. The development would replace public housing at Fairgrounds Valley, a complex on the west side. Read the full story here.