A quality home is the foundation
of society & community

A quality home is the foundation of society & community

RHA a member of the Better Buildings Challenge

Friday, June 13, 2014

by Jody Stromberg, RHA Housing Re-Development Manager As we make progress towards the goals set in our RHA Strategic Plan, I want to share with you that we have joined the Better Buildings Challenge.  The Better Buildings Challenge is an Obama Administration initiative challenging CEOs, University Presidents, state and local government leaders, building owners, and multifamily organizations to commit their organizations to lead in saving energy, saving money, and showcasing the best energy saving strategies and their results. Partners commit to an energy savings pledge, a showcase building, and to share their progress. I am excited to share with you that PARK TERRACE APARTMENTS has been selected as our Showcase Project.  Please see the links below for project information.  On the second link, click on Rockford Housing Authority for information on RHA.;  (scroll down for links) http://www4.eere.energy.gov/challenge/showcase/rockford/park-terrace http://www4.eere.energy.gov/challenge/showcase Though The Better Buildings Challenge has been active for a few years it was just recently expanded to include multi-family residential buildings.  You can be very proud of the fact that Rockford Housing Authority is right now 1 of just 2 multi-family housing providers with a showcase project.  The second link provides a list of all the showcase projects. Though Park Terrace was chosen for the showcase project, 9 of our 11 developments are receiving substantial upgrades that will help save energy and save money.  Our agency has committed to a 20% energy consumption reduction portfolio wide.  This will be accomplished by making building system upgrades and other energy improvements through the Energy Performance Contract.  Resident education is included as a major part of this contract, and we will continue our partnership with The Efficient Living Program through DCEO which provides incentives for energy upgrades.  We can take pride in the fact that we as a community are part of this challenge and ultimately part of a progressive movement and a leader in the housing industry. I look forward to working with each of you and we move forward on other innovative projects that will solidify RHA’s position as a housing leader and a leader in this community!  ]]>