A quality home is the foundation
of society & community

A quality home is the foundation of society & community

RHA Awarded $15,000 BMO Strategic Grant for LIPH Homeownership Initiative!

Beyond our agency, numerous nonprofit organizations and community partners play a pivotal role in facilitating homeownership. These critical local organizations collaborate with residents, offering financial literacy programs, credit counseling, and resources for overcoming barriers to homeownership. In addition, they provide guidance on budgeting, credit repair, and mortgage options, ensuring that aspiring homeowners are well-prepared and informed throughout their journey. These organizations have paved the way for successful homeownership by empowering individuals with resources. We cannot express how grateful we are to have the support of the community and our partners.

The Rockford Housing Authority’s financial empowerment course, in partnership with BMO Bank, presents an incredible opportunity for LIPH residents to embark on their homeownership journey. By providing knowledge, guidance, and addressing common barriers, we aim to empower participants to achieve their goals. Through this course, we strive to create a thriving community where residents have the confidence, tools, and support necessary to realize their dreams of homeownership. Together, we can build a stronger, more prosperous future for all.

“We are delighted to support you at this level. Our partnership aligns with BMO’s commitment to Zero Barriers to Inclusion and aligns perfectly with BMO’s Purpose to Boldly Grow the Good in business and life.  Best wishes for the continued success of your programs.”

Millie Reyes-Williams, MBA , BMO.

To learn more about the RHA Homeownership Program, please view the June InFocus Newsletter here