A quality home is the foundation
of society & community

A quality home is the foundation of society & community

RHA residents make documentaries

Friday, March 27, 2015

WIFR 23 Some folks living in poverty on Rockford’s west side are sharing their stories of struggle in a special way. Some people who live in the Rockford Housing Authority are sharing these stories through a 12-week program called make moving pictures. Students learn how to make documentaries and potentially use the skills they develop into employment. Some students say they want to show the community that folks who live in public housing have hopes and dreams too. “I am not where I live. There is talent in places like that. There’s not always talent on the best sides of town or even the extra worse sides of town. There’s talent everywhere. Don’t look over us because we live in housing. We’re just like everyone else,” says Tia Smith a graduate of the program. Graduates of the program received a digital camera from the Community Foundation of Northern Illinois to help them continue their work. Read the article and watch the news story here.]]>