A quality home is the foundation
of society & community

A quality home is the foundation of society & community

ConnectHome is Connecting Families to Digital Opportunities

Currently, less than half of our nation’s poorest families have a wired Internet subscription at home, and more than 60 million Americans lack basic digital literacy, according to the Federal Communications Commission.

Our nation’s digital divide is particularly severe among many of the people HUD serves, including families earning less than $25,000 per year and communities of color. ConnectHome is a pilot initiative that seeks to accelerate the adoption and utilization of broadband technology by children and families living in HUD-assisted housing.

Led by HUD, ConnectHome provides a platform for community leaders, local governments, nonprofit organizations, and private industry to join together and produce locally-tailored solutions for narrowing the digital divide. For example, over 90% of college applications are now submitted online, and more than 80% of job openings with Fortune 500 companies are posted on the web.

Each of the three elements of digital readiness – skills, trust, and use – is measurable. Pew Research Center’s November 2015 survey captured the elements of digital readiness in the specific context of lifelong learning and the extent to which people use digital tools to pursue it.

Learn More: http://www.pewinternet.org/2016/09/20/the-meaning-of-digital-readiness/

Every child should be given the same opportunity to build a brighter future and to achieve their dreams. #ConnectHome, will bring high-speed broadband access to RHA residents; those who could benefit the most from the Internet. Learn More: https://rockfordha.org/connecthome/