A quality home is the foundation
of society & community

A quality home is the foundation of society & community


Thanksgiving is a time to reflect on changes, to remember that we, too as a community, grow and change from one season of life to another. Today is a day of gratitude that honors our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow. Thanksgiving is the perfect time to share what as a community we are thankful for, and we are so very thankful for all our partners who make our Rockford residents lives better on a daily basis. Today let us acknowledge the many blessings which are ours…let us think of our families and friends.. and let us give thanks in our hearts for the community in which each and every one of us calls… Home.

With gratitude and thankfulness as our mainstay, we came together on a very special night to celebrate with our partners, our staff and the many residents from all walks of life in our community.

Strengthening the bond we share with neighbors, friends, and family, The 2016 Community Celebration honored the common journey of partners, supporters, and volunteers who have contributed to the many successes of the past year.

The video highlight showcases the lasting change generated through the support of our community. The focus of the evening honored the social power of togetherness as a communicator of cultural values, challenges, aspirations and creative expression. In the spirit of sharing, please enjoy.

Happy Thanksgiving!
—The Staff of the Rockford Housing Authority

Today, these words are short and simple – THANK YOU It is with great thanks and gratitude I reflect back on our year at RHA. A year filled with successful outcomes, “needle-moving opportunities” and growth. These were only possible because of the great partners we have at RHA… my team, our Board, our residents, and the many organizations we work alongside to turn housing into homes and homes into opportunities. If you are receiving this – I am thankful for you! If you missed our annual event, please check out the celebration below and as we go forward beyond Thanksgiving, let us remember that every day is a great day for giving thanks.

Peace and love,
Ron Clewer,
CEO, Rockford Housing Authority