A quality home is the foundation
of society & community

A quality home is the foundation of society & community


The Rockford Housing Authority (RHA) operates on the foundation of ten core values. As mentioned in their mission and vision statements, these qualities drive the organization through each project they complete. These values are denoted in the list below:

  • Leadership
  • Respectful
  • Quality
  • Accountable
  • Integrity
  • Consistent
  • Resourcefulness
  • Caring
  • Collaborative
  • Professional

This blog series will define each of these values and explain how they relate to RHA’s work.


According to the Merriam Webster dictionary, the definition of integrity is the act of possessing strong moral values.  In RHA’s effort to uphold a sense of integrity in all that we do, we clearly defined a list of moral values that lead and influence our programs and projects.

Over the past nine weeks, our readers have followed us on a journey, exploring RHA’s core values.  We’ve touched on values such as: leadership, accountability, consistency, resourcefulness and care. Our dedication to incorporating these values into our organization’s work validates our integrity and fuels our mission.

We lead with an emphasis on our expertise and experience.  We remain accountable through managing expectations, control, communication and collaboration. We remain consistent by dedicating ourselves to dependably providing housing to our residents.  We care through creating conditions that bring out the best in people and situations. We employ our resourcefulness by attacking problems with unique and innovative solutions.  We show our quality through ensuring our programs and projects both serve their purpose and fulfill the needs of the user. We prove our professionalism by providing effective services to residents and clients that positively influence the wellbeing of society. We respect our employees, residents and the Rockford community by continually demonstrating our admiration for them and their various pursuits. Lastly, we collaborate by working as a team to find the best solutions and ideas to complete the task at hand.

We believe a quality home is the foundation of society and community: quality home life provides hope and the pathway to our goals. We believe that responsible and respectful people deserve the opportunity to contribute to attaining a comfortable quality home and neighborhood all can have pride in. We believe that within 5 years the RHA will re-establish itself as high performing agency that is a leader in housing and sustainable communities by developing additional, non-HD revenue streams, increasing our asset base and offering state of the art resident initiatives. We believe that all of this will be accomplished, to its fullest potential when it is tackled with integrity.

We have taken the past few months to tell our readers what our core values are, and what they mean to us. We hope from here on out, the Rockford community will not merely read about our dedication to these values, yet be able to recognize these core values through the integrity of the work they see around our community.


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